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| A new identification scheme based on syndrome decoding.pdf | 118.63 KB | |
| A novel mutual authentication and key agreement protocol based on NTRU cryptography for wireless communications.pdf | 276.11 KB | |
| a_new_family_of_authentication_protocols.pdf | 77.82 KB | |
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| cramer98practical.pdf | 191.93 KB | |
| Cryptanalysis_of_the_Bluetooth_E0_cipher_using_OBDDs.pdf | 275.89 KB | |
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| CS0947_-_Cryptanalysis_of_Skipjack_reduced_to_31_rounds.ps.gz | 73.52 KB | |
| cs3235-3_-_Introduction_to_computer_security.pdf | 2.59 MB | |
| De Santis-Di Crescenzo-Persiano - Secret sharing and perfect zero knowledge.pdf | 983.19 KB | |
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| Fast pseudo-Hadamard transforma.pdf | 149.08 KB | |
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| GroupKey00.ps | 170.52 KB | |
| hall97reaction.pdf | 159.85 KB | |
| How_to_achieve_a_McEliece-based_digital_signature_scheme.ps | 293.81 KB | |
| Information-theoretic secret key agreement.pdf | 925.01 KB | |
| intelRNG.pdf | 72.53 KB | |
| Iterative modular multiplication algorithm without magnitude comparison.pdf | 205.85 KB | |
| Khazad-tweak.zip | 317.15 KB | |
| laws_of_cryptography_with_java_code.pdf | 1.08 MB | |
| Leighton-Micali - Secret-key agreement without public-key cryptography [UNSAFE].pdf | 2.32 MB | |
| Long modular multiplication for cryptographic applications.pdf | 555.89 KB | |
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| minrank_authentication_scheme.pdf | 250.94 KB | |
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| NESSIE_final_report.pdf | 4.53 MB | |
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| Rivest_-_All-or-Nothing_encryption_and_the_package_transform.ps | 106.73 KB | |
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| Secure group key agreement.pdf | 1.74 MB | |
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| serpent.tar.gz | 956.64 KB | |
| Shamir_-_A_polynomial_time_algorithm_for_breaking_Merkle-Hellman_cryptosystem.PDF | 295.43 KB | |
| skipjack-1.01.tar.gz | 15.03 KB | |
| skipjack_interim_report.txt | 18.66 KB | |
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